If we're supposed to start classifying our enemies in Iraq as al Qaeda because the Administration has changed it's Orwellian rhetoric, then this would mean that there are approx. 5,000 terrorist incidents in Iraq every month, and the numbers are expected to rise.
Attacks in Iraq last month reached their highest daily average since May 2003, showing a surge in violence as President George W. Bush completed a buildup of
U.S. troops, Pentagon statistics show.The data, obtained by Reuters from the Defense Department, showed an upward trend in daily attacks over the past four months, when U.S. and Iraqi forces were ramping up operations against insurgents and militants, including al Qaeda, in Iraq.
If Bush was waging an effective war on terror, a person would logically assume that the rate of attacks would go down - especially after "Shock and Awe" when we showed the Islamofascists what we could do to them with our high-priced weaponry. Well, the Islamofascists took that message and escalated their attacks. Hmmm, that's the opposite of what a successful war would accomplish, isn't it?
End result? There are now more terrorist attacks on US forces every single week (or day) than there were terrorist attacks on the US under every other US President combined. There weren't even this many terrorist attacks on US forces "over there" (as opposed to "over here") before Bush II.
For Chrissakes, when did the US last have an embassy that was openly fired on several times a day? In Vietnam? It makes quite a target for terrorists in training, I suppose.
Way to go, Bush! You have delivered yet another failure that only a conservative (and bin Laden) could love. Strange bedfellows that Conservatives and bin Laden make! Bush is lucky the Senate Republicans obstruct any attempt to change his course in Iraq and that the media can't bring itself to utter the word 'filibuster' when discussing Republican obstructionism.
Republicans and their wing-nutty base own this war and it's aftermath. No wonder they never want to talk about Iraq anymore. While the Right Wing's definition of 'success' is close, if not identical, to bin Laden's definition, it is at odds with how thinking human beings would define it: a decline in enemy attacks.