Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ron Paul raises more money from military than every other Republican candidate combined

The troops support an Iraq War opponent like Ron Paul? Boy, this is going to piss off the right wingers! I just know they are going to unleash a fury upon these defeatist troops. Right?

Right wingers can't abide by this, right? Or maybe they're just incapable of explaining why they selectively criticize 'Dhimmicrats' but studiously avoid addressing the collapse in support for the war elsewhere?

Congressman Ron Paul has defined his Republican presidential candidacy with a staunchly critical stance on the Iraq war, saying during the June 5 debate in New Hampshire, for example, that it was a "mistake to go and a mistake to stay."

Paul has often reiterated his views that US security has been worsened by its military presence in Iraq, and that Bush's pre-emptive war doctrine represented one of his administration's greatest moral failings.

One might think such criticism of the war and the Commander-in-Chief's leadership would make Paul a pariah to the military community, however, the latest figures indicate the antiwar Republican is receiving more donations from employees of the US military than any other Republican candidate.

1 comment:

Billy Joe said...

Come on, Kender, Big Dog, et al!

Surely you guys have some brilliant explanation for why this means nothing to you but Harry Reid wanting to debate the war is the greatest betrayal to America, ever, right?