Saturday, September 15, 2007

E-Coli Conservatism in non-Action

SALINAS, CALIF. - Government regulators never acted on calls for stepped-up inspections of leafy greens after last year's deadly E. coli spinach outbreak, leaving the safety of America's salads to a patchwork of largely unenforceable rules and the industry itself, an Associated Press investigation has found.
The regulations governing farms in the central California region known as the nation's "Salad Bowl" remain much as they were when bacteria from a cattle ranch infected spinach that killed three people and sickened more than 200.

Tell me again why anti-regulation Republicans deserve to be entrusted with our government functions? And these people tell us that they alone can 'protect' us?


Big Dog said...

Maybe if ILLEGALS were not picking and cleaning it, it would be cleaner.

There are regulations to prevent such things and yet they don't seem to work.

Maybe you can worry about all regulations rather than selectively choosing them.

Libs are like baby diapers, full of crap and unpleasant to be around.

Billy Joe said...

Or maybe not. Once again, you have no evidence whatsoever to back up your assertion whereas I actually have a *NEWS* report that indicates that no special steps were taken after the outbreak last year. You may have seen it. It was covered elsewhere, as well.

Regulations only work when they're enforced, genius.