Big Dog thinks Voter Fraud (pretending to be a legitimate voter when you're not) and Voter Disenfranchisement (removing legitimate voters from the rolls) are the same thing.
And, as usual, Big Dog drops another load of lazy thinking and attempts to pass it off as an attempt at being even handed.
I am not saying that fraud does not exist and I am sure that it happens in both parties.
This 'I'm sure it happens in both parties' type of statement is how he justifies his continued support of GOP fraud & criminality. Naturally, he doesn't supply any evidence to support this sweeping statement, either. He never does.
When the boogeyman of 'Voter Fraud' was raised on his blog previously, I asked him for evidence (before he banned me) and he pointed me to the website for the "American Center for Voting Rights", an organization which existed for approximately 1 year and then fell off the face of the earth forever. And the ACVR was supposed to have volumes of information on alleged Democratic Voter Fraud. Alas, it was nothing more than a GOP front group (with Abramoff connections and everything) and Big Dog got duped, just like he always does. How did little old me find out that they were a bogus front group? Teh Google. Big Dog should try it sometime. It took less than 5 minutes to realize they no longer even had a website. He likes getting duped by his Republican superiors as evidenced by his complete lack of concern when he found out he'd been duped. A normal person would admit such a mistake, as well. Not Big Dog though! He'll never bow down to liberals - let alone the truth! He'll happily pass fake 'news' off onto his unsuspecting readers.
Is he stupid or does he knowingly attempt to pass crap off onto people? Probably both, but I guess we'll never know because he's a cut-and-running fool who is too scared to debate.
Will Big Dog be chastised into actually learning about his topic before writing about it? That's probably unlikely, too.
For the sake of posterity, here is the actual comment that I left at his blog in response to his post and that he is probably too scared to publish:
"This post is moronic. Do you not realize that 'voter fraud' and 'voter disenfranchisement' are different things?
Voter fraud would be pretending to be a legitmate voter when you're not. I notice you didn't supply any links to back up your assertions of widespread Democratic voter fraud. Remember last time you tried you sent me to a link for a Republican front group that had disappeared off of the face of the earth and their claims were never substantiated? The one claim you mention that has obvious legitimacy is the fictitious Chicago voters who put Kennedy in the White House - 48 (!) years ago.
Disenfranchisement is purging the voter rolls of legitmate voters (as happened in Florida in '00), or giving them, say, only 3 voting machines to slow down the process (make everyone wait in lines for hours) while giving more than enough machines to areas where the voters support you (as happened in Ohio in '04), so they can easily get in to vote and get out in no time. Or Kenneth Blackwell saying that the 'paper stock' for voter registration forms (put out by his own office) are not correct and therefore his office won't accept the registration forms. Or maybe you don't remember the endless hurdles he erected to prevent new voters from voting? That wouldn't surprise me. Republicans are generally either too dumb (it's not talked about on FOX) or too corrupt (maintaining their power is their primary concern) to care. I still haven't figured out which one you are. I think you're both.
Get a clue. I suppose you won't publish this either and that I'm going to have to put it up on my blog to show the world what a cut-and-runner you are?"
I actually know the difference between the two. I wrote nothing that would say I thought one was the other. The point is, if you are going to say that the GOP is always crying about fraud you should have some evidence.
You are banned because you write things that are against my site policy, you have been warned a lot of times and you continued.
I find it amazing that out of all the people on the internet you are obsessed with me. You seem to have this mission to pester me and ensure you tell the world about me.
Few people read my blog and a lot fewer read yours so I think it is a wasted effort.
BTW, disenfranchisement is the deliberate purging of legitimate voters from a roll. Show me how that happened. Show me proof that it was done deliberately.
Disenfranchisement is also deliberately calling the state for a candidate before the polls in the state close, an act committed by the MSM, prior to the polls in the heavily Republican panhandle had closed (different time zone).
Voting machines are distributed based on the number of voters in previous elections. You are grasping for straws to think there is a cabal to prevent people from voting. In fact, Democrats love to go to nursing homes and have comatose patients vote for them by proxy. I've seen it. Dems also love to have criminals vote, illegals vote and anyone else who is not supposed to.
What do you expect, lawbreakers love to stick together.
Get a life, your stalking me makes you look like you have some kind of crush on me. I know you are envious but you really should move on...
No Big Dog,
I just think your stupidity & general lack of critical thinking deserves to be challenged. I think your indifference to being duped ought to be pointed out because it shows what a thoughtless follower you are, just like most of your readers who, for example, have convinced themselves that the bible is the literal truth and word of God, written in a language (English) that didn't even exist at the time.
It's the stupidity of your crew that boggles my mind.
Unlike you and your wild-eyed & unsubstantiated charges of voter fraud, I can actually find authoritative reports backing my assertions up:
About voter disenfranchisement in FL in '00:
"DBT Online advised the Division of Elections of the likelihood that a significant number of false positives existed and made recommendations to reduce those numbers, according to Mr. Bruder.[62] He further asserted that DBT Online specifically suggested to state officials that narrow criteria be used in creating the lists, which would lower the false-positive rate, and therefore, minimize errors in the number of names matched.[63] Mr. Bruder testified that the company recommended, for example, that it develop criteria requiring an exact match on the first and middle names. Thus, a Floridian named Deborah Ann would not match with the name Ann Deborah.[64] But the Division of Elections favored more inclusive criteria and chose to “make it go both ways,” as Mr. Bruder recalls it.[65] In addition, he pointed out that state officials set parameters that required a 90 percent match in the last name, rather than an exact match.[66] Mr. Bruder insisted that “the state dictated to us that they wanted to go broader, and we did it in the fashion that they requested.”
We agree that Big Media should not be calling elections long before the votes are counted. Maybe you could tell FOX News. They're the ones who called FL for Bush in '00 and now look at the mess we're in.
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