Monday, January 7, 2008

Big Dog acknowledges occasional American 'not nice' deeds

I wonder if he has the balls to tell us which 'not nice' deeds he's referring to? I'm not holding my breath because then he'd actually be required to confront some uncomfortable historical truths which is something that childish wingnuts simply cannot allow themselves to do. When such situations arise, the wingnut response is to cut-and-run by jamming their fingers in their ears and screaming at the top of their lungs. That or simply try to sweep it under the rug by feigning ignorance.

Big Dog's quote from a meandering post about Ron Paul:
"I have a hard time taking his blame America for everything position. Yes, we as a country have done some things that are not nice. But we are not to blame for all the world's woes."

My comment to him, which I'm almost postive he won't publish because he's a control freak who's afraid of being shown up on his blog:

So in other words, you're acknowledging that America has done some bad things that might cause others to get upset with us. Wow... an honest statement! By extension, don't you think it's common sense that if some people are upset enough, they may try to attack us? I know you feel most comfortable debating straw men, but I'm not aware of anyone (even Paul) who said America is 'to blame for ALL THE WORLD'S WOES [emphasis mine]'.


Billy Joe said...

On his blog, Big Dog says we were where 'we were invited to be'. To which I responded:

'Invited' by a thoroughly corrupt Saudi *Royal* (not a Democracy!) family which coincidentally has very close ties to the Bush family thru the Carlyle Group, etc..

Actually, we did attack Iraq, didn't we? So again your premise is wrong. We've attacked other countries, as well: Panama, Grenada, Vietnam, Nicaragua, etc. You could semantically argue that Vietnam invited us, but again, it was a corrupt, non-democratic government so you'd be hard-pressed to say that the Vietnamese people invited us. That's why they were shooting at us. We've also overthrown democratically elected governments: Iran, Chile, and most recently an attempt was made to overthrow Chavez. These just scratch the surface. I'd suggest reading some history.

Since you're too cowardly to post my comments, I posted my previous response above to my blog for posterity :-)

Big Dog said...

We attacked Iraq, yep in accordance with UN resolution which gave us the authority. No matter how you feel about the governments that invite us, they invite us nonetheless.

Grenada? We did not attack Grenada, we went in to rescue our students.

The claim that we attempted to overthorw Chavez is nothing more than that. Can you prove we did that? If we wanted to overthrow him I think we could do it.

We are still the greatest nation on Earth. If we were other places, you and I could not have any conversations like we do.

I am not too cowardly to post anything. You were banned for failing to follow the rules. My blog, my rules. You were given ample notice, ample warning and told not to do certain things. You failed to comply.

Billy Joe said...

Your blog, your rules? But you only decided to ban me when I mocked you at Sadly, No! What are you, 5 years old?

Re: Iraq - We deposed Saddam and never found any weapons. They have had 3 elections and have a new government. Shouldn't that mean the end of our involvement? Maybe you know more about the UN resolutions than me seeing as you're such an avid believer in the UN. Or maybe you're a great supporter of 'nation builiding' in countries where the majority of the population view us as the most destabilizing force in their nation.

Re: US & Chavez... here's a quick easy read:

If I have time, I'll dig a little deeper. Only the most gullible naif would think a central or south American leader who does not toe our line is not going to run his country without US interference. Again, read history. I notice you didn't address Iran, Chile, Nicaragua, El Salvador, etc.. Any particular reason?

No rebuttal of our 'invitation' to have bases in Saudi Arabia at the request of their non-democratic, barbaric government? No surprise there!

Your respect for the closest thing in the world to real 'Islamofascists' is sadly predictable. Your Republican overlords, with whom the Saudi royal family are so closely aligned, still have you under their control.

Big Dog said...

I had you on moderation long before you and the idiots at Sadly No showed your ignorance.

You were moderated because you do not know how to follow rules.

I have no overlords and I have no misunderstanding of human nature.

All humans desire freedom.

Billy Joe said...

Big Dog,

You moderated my comments on your blog because I kept effortlessly breaking you down, not because of some perceived infraction of the rules.

If all humans desire freedom, then don't you agree with Ron Paul that we should stop supporting governments (like Saudi Arabia) that don't allow their citizens to be free?

it's a simple question. One that you probably won't answer just as you never bothered to elaborate on America's 'not nice' deeds.