Friday, November 30, 2007

Biblical Violence & Smut; is this literally the 'Word of God'?

Which Abrahamic religion is the religion of peace again?

What a bunch of superstitious fairy tales and what a crock of violent mumbo-jumbo.

Right, Big Dog?


Billy Joe said...

Is there any evidence whatsoever that Samson struck down 1000 men - all by himself - with the jawbone of a donkey (Judges 15: 15-16)?

If I told you I killed 1000 men with the jawbone of a donkey, you wouldn't believe me and would demand to see proof, which is perfectly reasonable, by the way.

But some guy did it 2000+ years ago and it's the inviolate truth?

What sort of rube believes this crap? I'm only assailing Christianity because it's the superstition I'm most familiar with. Islam and Judaisim, the other two Abrahamic religions, probably include just as much stupidity.

Carla said...

Hey...couldn't find an email address for you on your site. Could you drop me a note please?

carla (dot) loadedo (at)
