Saturday, June 16, 2007

Can someone besides bin Laden tell me how this = success?

Graph from the DoD showing the number of attacks in Iraq over time. Notice a pattern?

Notice how attacks on "Coalition" forces represent almost 70% of the total. I wonder how much those would go down if we left? It seems self evident to me that they would decline to zero or near zero because US forces would be out of range of their guns & car bombs. The other question is what would happen to attacks on Iraqis and Iraqi government forces if we left? Would they skyrocket? Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing for sure.

Anyway, it's quite a situation the Commander-in-Chief has gotten us into, isn't it?

1 comment:

Billy Joe said...

Hi Kender,

I didn't see any recent Iraq news on your blog. Maybe you can explain how this graph demonstrates the success of Bush's strategy in Iraq?