Thursday, June 14, 2007

In battle to get out the good Iraq news, right-wingers shoot blanks, still haven't noticed

The right wingers are still not getting the good news out about Iraq. Why are they cutting-and-running when there is supposedly so much good news and we are so "winning" the occupation?

Inexplicably, the few times recently that right-wingers can bring themselves to mention the Iraq war, it's in the context of implying that Al Gore would have done the same thing Bush did. Would he have done it as incompetently? The question is moot. This is Bush's war now - he's the Commander in Chief - and he has to take responsibility for the success or failure of it.

Other happenings in Wing-nutia:

  • Big Dog gives his readers some frightening immigration numbers that a friend e-mailed to him. We should all exercise the same level of intellectual rigor as Big Dog and use data from unsourced e-mails to debate our opponents. In right wing world, that counts as hardcore research. Hey, that sounds a bit like how we got ourselves into Iraq when I think about it. Anyway, checkmate libtard!
  • No mention whatsoever of the fact that the US is now arming Sunni Militia and Saddam loyalists in Iraq after spending $500,000,000,000 to defeat THE SAME PEOPLE. And no alarm whatsoever that such aid to anti-Iraqi government forces might come back to haunt us. NOTE: Wing-nuts still having difficulty grasping the concept of cause and effect. NOTE TWO: Everyone else, get ready to pay the price for the stupidty of Wing-nuts. Again.
  • At Passionate American, ignorance is bliss.
  • At Smoke Signals, nothing.


Anonymous said...

Well Billy Joe, this is Shiny stopping by from Smokey's blog. I've done so before, and you have now confirmed my suspicion that yours is not worth my time.

Using a blog to attempt to goad others into responding to your juvenile, unsupported statements by attacking the character of literally virtual strangers, or getting pissy because they see you for the fool you really are and thusly refuse to comment or delete off topic matters, shows the immature child you can't hide.

Have a nice life, as I can't imagine I will be back

Billy Joe said...


Don't cut-and-run. share your plan for Iraq! You guys are trying to sweep a genuine national crisis (the Iraq War) under the carpet because our out-of-his-depth President has unleashed a whirlwind.

As Bush used to say: What's your plan? We have troops basically trapped over there for the forseeable future. Are you indifferent to that?