Friday, June 15, 2007

Introducing Wild Bill, Unemployed Conservative

Wild Bill recently wrote a "proposal" (I'm using this term very loosely) to solve the problem of illegal immigrant "beaners" on his blog. In that post, he wrote:
The conservatives are too busy working and paying taxes to take a day off and round up a person just trying to make a better life for themselves and there family.

Wild Bill gained a bit of notoriety in 2006 when, just prior to the election, he outed the Congressional page who was being sexually harrassed by Mark Foley. Following this journalistic breakthrough, the (liberal?) Wall Street Journal did an article on Wild Bill. Here's what we learned about him:

It has been a heady time for the unemployed Mr. Kerr. He says he had been fired from several jobs over the years -- installing car radios, working for a call center -- and was discharged from the Navy in 1993 after faking a suicide attempt. He volunteers that years ago he was arrested for burglary. These days, he is a stay-at-home dad, taking care of his two sons, the younger of whom is 3 years old. Mr. Kerr's wife supports the family with her job at a call center here. Mr. Kerr says he has never met a famous person or a member of Congress. "I need to get out of the house more," he says.

So, when Bill refers to "conservatives being too busy working and paying taxes" he's not actually referring to himself. While it would be nice if he fit into his own preconceived notions of what a conservative is, he doesn't. His wife does, but he himself doesn't.

Maybe he should try humility for once? Even the "beaners" are working while he stays at home surfing the web.


Big Dog said...

What the article did not tell you is that Bill is unemployed by choice. He stays at home to take care of his child.

I know that might be foreign to you but some parents take care of their own children.

Wild Bill said...

and what the article doesn't tell you is that I am earning a living while staying at home and taking care of my son's. You wouldn't know anything about that since you seem to have never made a dollar on your blog.

Thanks for the incoming link and make sure that your readers visit my sponsors and donate at my site so I can continue to earn a living, pursuing my happiness with passion. I'm sure the concept of happiness escapes you.

Also just to correct another of your lies, where is your source that Jordon Edmund was harassed? From the extensive research I have done on the Mark Foley scandal Jordan initiated many of the conversations between him and Mark Foley.

I would be glad to teach you how to turn your blogging hobby into a way to start also making money so that you can spend more time doing what makes you happy and actually provide a benefit to your readers instead of spread hatred and negativity.

GM Roper said...

Interesting, would you also call a stay at home mother the same stuff? Nah, I didn't think so.

witch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
witch said...

EEeuww it stinks in here like a bat cave or something, so I won’t stay long if you don’t mind, but you are welcome to come to my place and play (

I know Bill, and he scrapes better than the likes of you off his shoe and onto the curb where it belongs.

As far as Jordan Edmonds is concerned I am really glad you brought that up; only an uninformed left wing twit would consider him to be harassed!

While people like you were calling Jordan Edmonds a juvenile Bill revealed that he was in fact a 21 year old man who had apparently been toying with Foley because he gay.

Heres the link to Bill you will find the whole article in the right side bar (read it and weep):

can't even edit this thing talk about chincy.

kender said...

Hey BJ.......are you gonna tell us how big dog is a traitor? YEah, I am not gonna let you forget about that one.

As for Wild Bill, he is home raising his sons (better tyhan a lot of dads) AND making a living from his work at home stuff.

Damn, every time you open your mouth you seem to lose IQ points. I figure two more posts and you will be drooling enough to run for congress on the democrats ticket.

Billy Joe said...

Little Orange Fox is in the house! At last, a visit from the woman who thought the Nazis were communists. Thank you LOF for blessing my blog with your intellect. You are definitely welcome to drop by and leave illiterate comments anytime you'd like. FWIW, I have my own small business. how about you LOF?

OK... to answer your questions:

Bill, to suggest that you don't spew hatred (you called Mexicans "beaners") on your website is absurd. What I was suggesting was that for someone who is not paying taxes (because he can't hold a job?), some humility might be in order. I mean, you may make money off of your blog, but reading your posts, it doesn't exactly sound like you're making a lot of it. By the sounds of it, it sounds like your wife keeps you afloat. There's no problem with that, but I'd try to be more accurate in my characterizations of others and of yourself.

I didn't delete the comment in the comments list. I think Witch deleted it.

Regarding Foley, please provide your latest links. If he wasn't a sexual harrasser, can I at least call him a child predator? Here's the latest I heard:

"Investigators with the House ethics committee have said Trandahl repeatedly urged staff members of House GOP leaders to rein in Foley’s inappropriate behavior."

Kender, I already answered your question. Why don't you check the comments? In a nutshell:

- If Plame wasn't covert, why did the CIA ask Justice to open an investigation?
- If she wasn't covert, why did Bush's justice department agree to launch the investigation?
- Why did Ashcroft recuse himself from the investigation?
- Why did the President say he'd fire anyone who was involved (and then, naturally, flip-flop)?

Libby was just found guilty by a jury and the case was heard by a Bush-appointed judge.

Libby was convicted of obstructing justice (in addition to perury). His obstruction prevented Fitzgerald from determining who in the Vice President's office initiated the campaign to out Plame - a treasonous act, by definition.

if someone is defending that, they represent the traitors wing of the Republican party. Plain and simple. If anything Libby was under-prosecuted. they should have given him a much longer sentence.

Did I answer everyone's questions? Please feel free to actually comment on other news that is posted. You are more than welcome to address the substance of the posts.