Monday, March 24, 2008

More jumping to ridiculous conclusions by big Dog

This is a perfect glimpse into the mind & logic of a moronic wingnut. As usual, the wingnut in question, big Dog, has chosen not to publish my comment because he's too delicate to be called out on his blog.

You'll note that it's a photo of Hillary Clinton standing in front of a banner that appears to say 'Count' but Hillary blocks the 'o' so it reads C*nt.

big Dog then demonstrates his intellectual laziness by saying the following about the photo:

I do not know if this is real or shopped but if it is real I am absolutely certain the photographer took this angle on purpose.

The amazing thing is that the photograph has a certain truth to it, like it was karma or something…

So, to review, big Dog has no idea if the photo has been photoshopped but proceeds to say that it's amazing that the photo has a certain truth (not humor or offensiveness) to it, like 'it was karma or something'.

Watch his blog for this pattern. He often jumps to such sweeping, invalid conclusions - it's 'karma or something' - in spite of the fact that he's not even sure if the photo (or evidence or data) are authentic.

This probably mirrors the reason he (and his low-IQ commentors) accept Christianity, as well. An analogy would be him getting bitten by a snake and not getting sick. It's not that the snake might not be poisonous - it's that God saved him!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Iranian President Ahmadinejad Given Warm Welcome in Baghdad. Does this mean we're winning?

The Iranian President visited Iraq and didn't even bother sneaking in like a scared little girl like our own President. I guess this is just yet more evidence of the 'success' that the right wing is always boasting about. Speaking of Iraq and the right wing, they sure don't write about the war much anymore, do they?

Anyhow, regarding Ahmadinejad's trip, this news report said:

The trip by Ahmadinejad, who once fought Saddam Hussein's Sunni-dominated regime as a member of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, was a dramatic illustration of one of the unintended consequences of the 2003 U.S. invasion - the replacement of Saddam with Shiite forces closely allied to the cleric-led Islamic republic next door. [My comment: Who would have ever thought this would happen? Oh right, all sorts of people! Even this crazy moonbat, from before the war even started (watch from 1:44:50).]

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, a Sunni Kurd, greeted Ahmadinejad with an honor guard and a band that played both countries' national anthems. The two held hands at the red-carpet welcome ceremony in a traditional display of friendship. Talabani told Ahmadinejad to call him "Uncle Jalal," as he known in Iraq's Kurdish north.

Talabani said he and Ahmadinejad discussed economic, political, security and oil issues and planned to sign several unspecified agreements.

"We had very good talks that were friendly and brotherly,"
Ahmadinejad said. "We have mutual understandings and views in all fields, and both sides plan to improve relations as much as possible."

Then he cut through the Green Zone to visit al-Maliki in his Cabinet offices. The sprawling, American-controlled zone contains a massive new U.S. embassy and is heavily protected against occasional rocket attacks, which the Americans have
blamed on Iranian-backed Shiite extremists.

Ahmadinejad denied the charges at least twice during the day.
"Such accusations increase the problems of the Americans in the region," he said.

Al-Maliki said Ahmadinejad's visit was "an expression of the strong desire of enhancing relations and developing mutual
interests after the past tension during the dictatorship era."

About 1 million people died in the catastrophic war that erupted after Saddam invaded Iran in 1980. But when Saddam's regime fell to the U.S.-led invasion and Iraq's Shiite majority took power, long-standing ties between the Shiites of both countries flourished again.

Ahmadinejad said he was "very pleased with his visit to an Iraq not ruled by a dictator," and stressed that Iran wanted a stable Iraq that would benefit the region.

"A united Iraq, a sovereign Iraq and an advanced Iraq is to the benefit of all regional nations and the people of Iran," he said.
He announced the dates of his visit in advance, landed at Baghdad International Airport in daylight and drove through the capital, albeit in a heavily guarded convoy, on a relatively quiet day. Iraqi forces provided security.

President Bush's visits are typically a surprise and involve trips to U.S. military bases, like his journey to an air base in Anbar province last September.

Isn't this exactly what wingnuts were hoping would not happen? Am I still not allowed to say that our President is a failure, based on his own objectives? Mission accomplished, indeed!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Grover Norquist, Anti-Tax Crusading GOP Ultra-Insider, Employed ILLEGAL (!) at His Organization

Big Dog, what's the verdict? Throw Norquist in jail for hiring ILLEGALS?

Immigration experts said that when it hired Kamburowski, the Norquist organization either failed to comply with federal laws requiring it to verify his work status or was badly hoodwinked.

"The guy was working here illegally and living here illegally," said San Francisco immigration attorney Martin Lawler, who reviewed the case for The Chronicle. "... Either they were really
sloppy in checking, or he conned them, or they knew...."

With control of illegal immigration a hot-button topic for Republicans in the 2008 election, the apparent violation by one of the nation's leading conservative voices underscores the
challenges of the issue, political insiders say.

The Kamburowski case "shows that the illegal immigration debate is far more complicated than just a bunch of people coming across the Mexican border," said Bill Whalen, Hoover Institution research fellow and Republican strategist. "It's an onion with so many layers to it, and it's not simple as saying 'Build a fence and deal with the Mexican problem.' "

Norquist was also one of Jack Abramoff's money launderers, by the way. Read it and weep, sucker. These are the criminals who dupe 'conservatives' time and again as 'conservatives' stupidly applaud their own fleecing. Don't believe me? Read their own e-mails that were made public during the Abramoff hearings/trial. These leading 'Conservatives' refer to the Republican base as Christian 'wackos'.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Petty GOP Criminality in the News Today

Note: If a non-Republican did this, I'm sure it would have been in all of the press. Republicans on the other hand, are ignored. Could it be because it's so common?

1. Pat Robertson speaking about his cocaine using 700 Club Producer (with video!)

2. Federal Judge nominated by Bush busted for DUI, dressed like a woman:

When cops arrived, the paper reported, Somma was wearing a cocktail dress, fishnet stockings, women’s heels and fumbled through a purse for his driver’s license....

He told police he drank two gin and tonics at a Manchester bar. He said he came to New Hampshire because his wife was out of town and nobody knew him in the city, the paper reported.

Rudolph Giuliani, Mayor of 9/11, of course was surrounded with such criminals and holier-than-thou Republicans were predictably mum.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Big Dog: Mistakenly Thinks Regulation = 'Socialism'.

I think Big Dog should avoid discussing anything related to economics primarily because he knows absolutely nothing about it. Decide for yourself though - he accuses Hillary Clinton of wanting to 'take over', among other things, oil companies, pharmaceutical companies, credit card companies, etc.:

Hillary and big government are going to take over all these businesses and people and tell them how they have to conduct themselves, how much profit they can make and how much they may charge for their services.

Memo to Big Dog: Regulation does not equal socialism. There is no evidence in your laundry list of Hillary statements that she plans to 'take over all of these businesses.' You simply made a wild and fantastical leap that once again demonstrated your complete lack of understanding of economics. Remember: Regulation does not equal socialism. Write that down so you don't forget!

Even more hilarious was Big Dog's acknowledgement IN THE SAME POST that regulatory agencies (the FDA in particular) help maintain the safety of our food and drugs, among other things. At least they did until Bush put industry lobbyists in charge of the agencies that are supposed to regulate those industries. It's also worth pointing out that these agencies, which are designed to protect investors, enforce mine safety, etc. are almost always created by so-called liberals because liberals try to protect ordinary Americans. Big Dog and his conservative friends, on the other hand, would rather support big business and millionaires. They love having their wealth and tax dollars redistributed to people and entities that are already wealthy. Wingnuts are truly a bunch of suckers. They love getting duped.

Of course, in typical cut-and-running fashion, Big Dog decided not to publish my comment pointing out his confusion over regulation and 'socialism', which is why I had to address the issue here.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Big Dog: Doesn't Understand Why America Does Business with the Saudi Decapitators

Yes, he actually is this stoopid:

I would never let my wife go to one of those filthy places for any reason, business or not.
BD doesn't seem terribly concerned about American female soldiers being stationed in such places! He continues:

First of all I would not want her around all those filthy, smelly, camel jockeys. Second of all I would not take kindly to my wife being treated improperly by these stone aged barbarians. I can’t understand why anyone does business there and certainly cannot understand how people tolerate the backstabbing goat herders they pass off as men.

I guess he forgot - if that's actually possible - that they're the world's largest oil producer and America needs to feed it's oil addiction; therefore we cozy up to fundamentalist monarchs, along with assorted other oil producing dictatorships. I guess Big Dog (who suffers from Clinton Derangement Syndrome and therefore strangely shares the same nickname as Bill Clinton) won't be spurred to actual action and call his representatives demanding the development of alternative sources of energy so that we can stop financing the corrupt Saudi monarchy, which in turn finances the Sunni insurgency in his favorite war. Wait... I know he'll call for drilling in Alaska, which will buy us, oh, 1 year worth of oil maybe. I'm sure he'll also suggest coal plants with voluntary pollution controls - in another community, of course.

But in the end, he's barking at the moon, as usual. He will NEVER address the deep and long-standing business relationships between the Bush family and the Saudi monarchy (and bin Ladens). He won't give up his gas guzzler to stick it to the Saudis. He'll happily give them his money and won't say a word when Bush sells them $20,000,000,000 worth of weapons.

When forced to reconcile his political choices & his lifestyle with the uncomfortable reality that he's funding the decapitators, he'll fall into line and do whatever the hell Bush tells him to do. And he'll be grateful for the disinformation his right wing sources give him.

Big Dog is good sheeple. Racist, too, as the ignorant, sweeping diatribe above demonstrates.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Republican values - do they really want to have this debate?

This video pretty much sums up the values of the Republican leaders and of course the Rudy bit - spoken by his 2nd wife - at the beginning shows you just what a fraud he is.

Oh look... another one.

Will wingnuts ever learn to pay attention to the ACTIONS of their leaders or will they continue to buy into the flag-waving, bible-thumping rhetoric? Seeing as how this has literally been going on for years and there are still a substantial number of wingnuts who are incapable of connecting the dots (or just don't care), my forecast is that they'll continue to get duped - and enjoy it, because that's simply the type of sheeple they are.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Glamour Grandpa Fred Thompson moseys on out of the Republican race; Wins Louisiana hours later (!?)

I imagine he'll resume his long-term career as a lobbyist/Hollyweird actor.

I never understood the enthusiasm amongst so-called conservatives for Thompson. He was transparently lazy & unfit for the job. I think that because he was a self-identified conservative and an actor, conservative morons just lept to the childish conclusion that he was the 2nd coming of Ronald Raygun.

Thompson might have actually had a fighting chance if he would have given his hot 2nd wife a more prominent role in the campaign ;-) His campaign should have also created campaign ads where he pretends to be a President who cross examines 'terrorists' in the kangaroo court at Gitmo. Wingnuts love that sort of razzle-dazzle; that's why they're so easy to dupe.

It could have happened if Thompson was actually capable of having an original thought & wasn't so goddamn lazy.

UPDATE: It seems Thompson would have won the Louisiana delegates hours later if only he knew what the hell was going on. More evidence that he was totally unfit for the job. More evidence that Wingnuts love incompetence as long as the incompetent *sounds* tough & authentic.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Dick Cheney: Sleepy, corrupt old man with a bad ticker

Big Dog, ever the crusader against the evil Clintons, has a post up about Bill Clinton sleeping during Reagan's funeral (Reagan slept thru the criminality of his entire 2nd term) as well as during a service commemorating MLK.

Does Big Dog remember - or care - about Cheney falling asleep on the job pretty constantly? Even during emergency briefings?

I wonder if he's going to get his panties in a bunch about that?

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bush dancing with actual Islamofascist (video); GoOPer indicted for financing Islamic Terrorism

Hi Big Dog (and other delusional, low IQ wingnuts),

See this video of Bush dancing around with the Islamofascist decapitators?

What about the former Republican Congressman - and Reagan Administration appointee - who was indicted for aiding Islamic Terrorists?

Imagine the outcry that would have accompanied these news items if it would have been a Democrat!

Bonus video: Predictably, FOX News didn't find the terrorist financing Republican Congressman's political affiliation worthy of including in their report. FOX News: All Spin, All the Time! FOX News viewers: Gullible naifs who like being duped and lied to!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Big Dog's Jaw-Dropping Stoopidity: Doesn't Know the Difference Between Voter Fraud & Voter Disenfranchisement

In a sea of mediocre, poorly thought out garbage that is found at Big Dog's weblog, his recent post about 'Voter Fraud' stands out as an especially putrid piece of crap.

Big Dog thinks Voter Fraud (pretending to be a legitimate voter when you're not) and Voter Disenfranchisement (removing legitimate voters from the rolls) are the same thing.

And, as usual, Big Dog drops another load of lazy thinking and attempts to pass it off as an attempt at being even handed.

I am not saying that fraud does not exist and I am sure that it happens in both parties.

This 'I'm sure it happens in both parties' type of statement is how he justifies his continued support of GOP fraud & criminality. Naturally, he doesn't supply any evidence to support this sweeping statement, either. He never does.

When the boogeyman of 'Voter Fraud' was raised on his blog previously, I asked him for evidence (before he banned me) and he pointed me to the website for the "American Center for Voting Rights", an organization which existed for approximately 1 year and then fell off the face of the earth forever. And the ACVR was supposed to have volumes of information on alleged Democratic Voter Fraud. Alas, it was nothing more than a GOP front group (with Abramoff connections and everything) and Big Dog got duped, just like he always does. How did little old me find out that they were a bogus front group? Teh Google. Big Dog should try it sometime. It took less than 5 minutes to realize they no longer even had a website. He likes getting duped by his Republican superiors as evidenced by his complete lack of concern when he found out he'd been duped. A normal person would admit such a mistake, as well. Not Big Dog though! He'll never bow down to liberals - let alone the truth! He'll happily pass fake 'news' off onto his unsuspecting readers.

Is he stupid or does he knowingly attempt to pass crap off onto people? Probably both, but I guess we'll never know because he's a cut-and-running fool who is too scared to debate.

Will Big Dog be chastised into actually learning about his topic before writing about it? That's probably unlikely, too.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Big Dog acknowledges occasional American 'not nice' deeds

I wonder if he has the balls to tell us which 'not nice' deeds he's referring to? I'm not holding my breath because then he'd actually be required to confront some uncomfortable historical truths which is something that childish wingnuts simply cannot allow themselves to do. When such situations arise, the wingnut response is to cut-and-run by jamming their fingers in their ears and screaming at the top of their lungs. That or simply try to sweep it under the rug by feigning ignorance.

Big Dog's quote from a meandering post about Ron Paul:
"I have a hard time taking his blame America for everything position. Yes, we as a country have done some things that are not nice. But we are not to blame for all the world's woes."

My comment to him, which I'm almost postive he won't publish because he's a control freak who's afraid of being shown up on his blog:

So in other words, you're acknowledging that America has done some bad things that might cause others to get upset with us. Wow... an honest statement! By extension, don't you think it's common sense that if some people are upset enough, they may try to attack us? I know you feel most comfortable debating straw men, but I'm not aware of anyone (even Paul) who said America is 'to blame for ALL THE WORLD'S WOES [emphasis mine]'.